Thursday, June 4, 2009

Bass Farms

Steve and I work with lots of wonderful people. One of them, Cindy, covers for admin staff lots during the school year and she really adores Luke. Cindy is full of life and love and just always makes you smile. Her brother is named Bill and he runs Bass Farms in Cobden. Cindy told my dad that I should take Luke out and let him pick strawberries at the farm so we made it out today. It was cool and breezy which is pretty much perfect for strawberry picking.

I got to the produce stand at about 1:30 and waited for Bill to kindly come up to meet us and we had a nice converstation and then he said follow I strapped Luke back in the carseat and took off behind Bill. He led us about a half mile up the highway and then turned off and led me through a gravel then grassy drive. We eneded up right in the middle of the strawberry fields, he gave me several quart containers to fill, talked with Luke for a minute, told me to have a great time and to make sure that Luke met the cows before we left and then left us to our fun.

This had to be one of my favorite days with Luke. There was just a lot of learning and experiencing going on and it was special time with him. He is just a great kid and I adore him. Here are the pics of our afternoon.

We also went to the lake today and hiked around with the dogs so it has just been a fun day of outdoor time and new experiences.

There are a lot of really good people in the world. There are also a lot of pictures on this post. I just couldn't pick 2 or 3! Enjoy!
I love these containers, mom!
Getting started...

I just love that his outfit has a tail ;)

stained fingers

The cows really loved the clover and grass that we fed them. They were pretty thrilled with a break from their normal feed. Luke wanted to touch them, but whenever one would get close to licking him or nudging him he would squeal and jump away.

1 comment:

Jen said...

That looks like so much fun...Lucas would have loved that. He is sooo cute!